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Template Library FAQs

Last Update: January 20, 2025

What is the Elementor Library?

The Elementor Library is a library which contains over 30 pre-designed page templates, as well as templates that were saved by the user. The Library allows you to quickly create designed pages and customize them to be your own, saving you from building all pages from scratch.

Pick any template from the library and add it to your page with one click. It saves you time and energy. 

For tutorials about the Elementor Library, check this  guide. Check out the Hero kit templates we previously released.

Where can I find the Pre-designed Templates?

Click on the ‘Add template’ button

Where can I find my saved Templates?

All the templates that you saved can be found under Templates in your WordPress Admin Dashboard. 

These templates are also available, along with the pre-designed templates, in the Library that is accessible from the Elementor panel. 

Is there a hotkey to open the template library?

Yes. ‘Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + L’ opens up the Template Library modal.

Are there landing page templates in the Elementor Library?

No. As of Elementor Pro version 3.27, the Landing Page feature will be deprecated and no longer supported..

The “Insert” option is gone, what can I do?

1. Try to deactivate all your plugins (besides Elementor) and see if it solves it.

2. If it didn’t help, try to switch your theme to a default WP theme such as Twenty Sixteen.

How can I export a template?

Check the section “How to export / import templates to external websites” of this  guide for the whole procedure.

How to import a template to another website?

Check the section “How to export / import templates to external websites” of this  guide for the whole procedure.

Can I sell pre-built templates that use Elementor Pro elements?

Yes! You are allowed to sell pre-built templates, even templates that are designed with Pro elements. Please make your end users aware, however, that when templates are made with Pro elements, those elements will only be active and visible if the end user purchases Elementor Pro.


I am trying to save several templates to my Templates library but, for some reason, I can’t. What is the problem?

Go to Elementor > System Info in your WordPress Dashboard and check whether Elementor’s Library is connected or not.
Go to Elementor > Tools in your WordPress Dashboard and synchronize the library. 

If it still doesn’t work, please contact your hosting company and ask them to set this configuration:

I cannot load templates, what can I do?

Go to Elementor > System Info, and check whether Elementor’s Library is connected or not.
Go to Elementor > Tools and synchronize the library.

Click on “sync library” in the “tools” tab of Elementor in your WordPress dashboard if it is not synced yet.

I purchased Elementor Pro but when I try to use a Pro template I am required to go pro, why?

This happens when Elementor does not recognize that you have a Pro license key. In this case, verify that you have the latest version of Elementor Pro. Go to Dashboard (in your WP Dashboard) >Updates >  and click on Check again.

When I try to load a template I receive the error cURL ERROR 7? What should I do?

In this case, you have to contact your Hosting Company so that they can change the configuration of your server that blocks the request.

The predesigned templates in the library do not load for me, why?

This is generally due either to a memory issue or to the configurations of your server (file permission issues).

Verify if you meet the requirements of Elementor regarding the WP memory limit and check via your console browser if you receive 403 errors.

If you cannot open the library, contact your hosting company and ask them to verify the configurations set on your server.

Have more questions? We’re more than happy to assist.

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